Evolution has not prepared the human brain for high speed internet porn.
Check out this Tedx talk by Gary Wilson!
Masturbation is a normal healthy physiological function. High speed internet porn may have unexpected effects on the brain. |
Not all internet porn usage is problematic! Watch out for the following symptoms:
- Decreasing interest in real life sex as use of internet porn increases
- Escalation to more extreme material
- Radical changes to sexual taste
- Obsessive-compulsive internet porn use
- Concentration difficulties
- Social anxiety
- Sexual performance problems
- Irritability
- Inability to stop
Is your relationship with internet porn is causing difficulties in your life?
Stop using internet porn
Your symptoms will reverse
Normal sexual functioning will be restored
Withdrawing from internet porn can be extremely challenging.
- Get as much information as you can about your problem. You could have a look at the your brain on porn website.
- You may need professional help. Possibly contact an organisation, such as sex addicts anonymous, or an experienced counsellor.
- Work out any uncomfortable feelings you have that make you want to look at internet porn. This could include stress, irritability, loneliness and many more. It is possible to find different ways of responding to these.
- Replace porn use with naturally rewarding activities. These could include sports, hobbies, spending time with friends or family. Humans regulate mood better when they are interacting with each other.
Internet porn can cause issues for adolescents.
- Sex with a partner doesn’t match up to the intense stimulation provided by internet porn. This can lead to sexual performance problems.
- Unrealistic ideas about how human genitals look which can be distressing.
- Extreme expectations of what constitutes a good sexual experience.